Prepare for a Perfect Home Inspection!

?✅ Prepare for a Perfect Home Inspection! ✨? Getting ready for a professional home inspection? Here are some essential things to do beforehand: 1️⃣ Declutter & Clean: Clear out any clutter and ensure a clean, organized space. 2️⃣ Check All Systems: Test smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and HVAC systems. 3️⃣ Repair Minor Issues: Fix any minor repairs like leaky faucets or loose doorknobs. 4️⃣ Clear Access Points: Ensure easy access to electrical panels, attic, crawl spaces, and more. 5️⃣ Document Maintenance: Gather records of maintenance and repairs to showcase your home’s care. 6️⃣ Double-Check Utilities: Make sure all utilities (water, gas, electricity) are turned on for inspection. 7️⃣ Check Exterior Areas: Trim shrubs, clean gutters, and ensure proper drainage around the property. 8️⃣ Secure Pets: Keep pets safely away from the inspection areas during the process. 9️⃣ Compile Important Documents: Have necessary documents, warranties, and permits ready. ? Be Present & Ask Questions: Attend the inspection and feel free to ask the inspector any questions. ✅ A well-prepared home inspection sets the stage for a smooth and successful process. Good luck! ?? #HomeInspectionPrep #PrepareForSuccess #DreamHomeInSight Still looking for a home inspector? Contact AEG Home Inspections today!